Rogue Innovation

Through Rogue Innovation, tester software has been created independent of tester hardware. This is upside down from historical approaches as the software presents a Device Under Test perspective as opposed to a tester perspective.  This approach requires tester specific hardware drivers for each supported platform, similar to a computer O/S requiring hardware drivers for each supported printer.  But, the development effort to create a hardware driver to integrate Roguevation software is dwarfed when compared to creating an entire tester O/S.

There are many benefits from this Rogue Innovation.  For example, a user interface that is truly easy to use without the requirement for training classes becomes real.  There is natural separation between the continued Roguevation software development efforts and those of the hardware manufacturer.  While the hardware manufacturer continues to improve components in the tester driver such as calibration, accuracy, etc., Roguevation continues to improve the Device Under Test perspective, including analysis tools for failing devices.  While traditional ATE focusses on the job of separating good devices from bad devices, Roguevation software can leverage DFT knowledge and assist with location and trends of device failures with either logical design or physical layout centric presentation.

We look forward to discussing how our solutions can benefit both tester hardware makers and end users of these test platforms.